What Should You Know Before Renting a Car in Canada?


Indeed, it is a pleasure and exciting experience to drive in the Canadian highways than any other highways across the world. The highways in Canada are excellent, thrilling and well maintained and you may not differentiate between night and day in the Canadian highways. Almost all roads in Canada are highways, and once you cross the border into Northwest Territories and Yukon, you leave the pave ways and enter into worlds number one highways such as TransCanada Highways, Dempster Highways etc. However, you need to know how to rent a car in Canada though car rental is available everywhere in Canada, choosing the right car rental company such as Location Decarie may not be an easy task.

If you are on a trip to Canada with a desire to drive on the highways you need to know a few things such a minimum age for car rental, the car rental requirements, what are the usual types of cars for renting, differences between 4WD and all-wheel drive, everything about insurance and extra charges and taxes, about fuel and service stations, all about cross-border travel, travelling on gravel roads, safe winter driving and security requirements along with wild animals on the road. 

One of the essential and important aspects of renting a car in Canada is the age for renting a car. As per Canadian law, the drivers along with the principal driver of a car in Canada have to be not less than 21 years and must have a driving experience of at least 12 months. If you do not meet the age requirements or you are younger than 21 years or do not possess 12 months driving experience, a young renter extra fee will be applied on your car rental in addition to your car rental. The renters between the age of 21 to 24 years are generally restricted to specific car classes and cannot rent a car as they wish. In addition to this, if you are between the age of 21 to 24, you will be charged on the top of the car rental fee which means renting a car in Canada is quite expensive until you are 25 of your age.

Besides the above requirements, you need to have a valid driving license along with an international driver’s permit if your driving license is not in English which you need to produce along with your driving license, and your passport and return air-ticket in order to rent a car in Canada.

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