Few Facts About Post Collision Timing Belt Damage Repair


“Timing Belt” isn’t a very common term among the non-technical sphere of car users. But when you own one, it is better that you grow some basic knowledge about this particular automobile part, as the impairment of this car part can lead to a sudden malfunctioning of your car at the middle of the road, leaving you stranded as well as clueless about what could have gone wrong.

What is Timing Belt in a Vehicle?

This can be the question coming to your mind if you aren’t aware of it already. We asked the same to the mechanics of our nearby Salisbury collision repair shop. They answered with precision and clarity, while showing us its place under the hood. What we saw is the very known continuous loop made of rubber that comes with fine ridges curvedon its body. This timing belt travels around the camshaft teeth, taking control of the valves as well as the crankshaft, connecting them to the pistons and synchronizing all these parts with each other. In other words, the timing belt is the one that regulates the perfect timing of the opening and closing of the valves with making thepistons move up-and-down.

Importance of the Timing Belt

Without a timing belt working properly, the valves and the pistons in the engines will start colliding with each other. things can go wrong before you realizing, as the engine keeps turning at thousands of revolutions in a minute, and without the timing belt performing its tasks, anything can collide into the other causing a major auto failure.

What Can Damage the Timing Belt

Usually the collision between the pistons and the valves can damage the timing belt. In the entire process, the valves get affected the worst way, as they start bending when the piston starts striking. Such collisions can also damage the walls of the piston and the cylinder henceforth causinga catastrophic damage to theengine. Any such damage will lead to expensive repair works, though you can avoid it from taking place.

Replacement of the Timing Belt

The first clue about the car timing belt, starting from its position to its replacement instructions, can be found in the owner’s manual of a car. this is because every manufacturer will recommendabout the timing and conditions when you should replace the belt.

In general, the time since the timing belt starts wearing is when the car has travelled between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. So, the other source of indication that it is time to change the timing belt of your car is the reading of the odometer that will show how close you are to reach that mark. But the best way to be sure about it, is to check the belt yourself by popping up the hood. Look for the overall condition of the belt. As made b rubber, overheated engines can cause excessive drying, discoloration and even fraying. The best way to protect your engine from a damaged timing belt is to replace it once you find anything not in shape under the hood from a well-known repair shop like the collision repair Salisbury.

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