Mistakes To Avoid While Selecting and Using Brake Rotors


Brake rotors are essential components of your braking system. These round discs have a lot more to them than what meets the eye, and so, selecting the right rotor is vital when you are given a lot of options to choose from. 

But people tend to make certain mistakes while picking the most compatible brake rotors for their vehicle. There are also many errors committed while using these rotors. Here is a list of common mistakes to avoid so that you can make an informed decision while selecting brake rotors and use them better.

Mistake 1 – Not determining the thickness of rotors 

Measuring the thickness of the rotors is an important task when you are out purchasing rotors for your vehicle. If you use a rotor that has a thickness below the specifications of your vehicle, there is a very high risk that it can crack under strain, being detrimental to your safety. 

Mistake 2 – Not cleaning the deposits off the surface of an older rotor

New brake pads usually leave a layer of friction material on the surface of the rotor to amplify the performance of the brakes. But for this layer to be deposited properly, the rotor surface should be clean and untouched by the deposits of the previous brake pads. If the old and the new deposits on the rotor surface mix, it could contaminate the new pads, leading to performance problems.  

Mistake 3 – Choosing the wrong material 

Usually, brake rotors are made up of iron. But you can also find rotors made up of other materials too. Steel cools down the rotors quicker but is more inclined to deformation with continuous use. Using layered steel makes the rotor harder but more expensive to shell out for. Aluminum is more preferred for lighter rotors and ceramic and high-carbon rotors are used for high-end performance cars. You should choose the materials depending on your driving conditions. 

Mistake 4 – Choosing the wrong type of surface slotting/holes 

While basic brake rotors have blank surfaces, some feature drilled, dimpled, vented, or slotted surfaces. These holes in the rotor’s surface increase their ability to channel heat, dirt, and water away from the rotor, hence facilitating better braking performance. But since the rotors with holes are significantly thinner than their non-drilled counterparts, you must choose them carefully according to your requirements and conditions. Some rotors can make your brake pad wear out quicker.

While purchasing Cross drilled brake partskeep these common mistakes in mind so that you can select the right rotor for your vehicle, and take care of it better. 

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