7 Essentials Things You Should Keep in Your Truck Emergency Kit

7 Essentials Things You Should Keep in Your Truck Emergency Kit

Did you know that your truck emergency kit should have an assortment of items for different situations? If you’re the type who likes to be prepared, then this post is for you! Here are 7 essentials things that every truck driver should keep in their emergency kit.

  1. Warm clothing and eyewear – If you live in a cold area or drive during the colder seasons of the year, you should have warm clothing and eyewear readily available. Also, always carry an emergency pair of sunglasses. You never know when a wild deer may run out in front of you!
  2. A reflective blanket – No one wants to get stuck on the side of the highway at night unless that’s their thing, which it shouldn’t be, by the way. If you happen to find yourself out there, make sure you have a reflective blanket with you. You can purchase a pack for less than 10 bucks, and they’re sold at most truck stops. They are reflective on one side and heavy-duty black material on the other, which can be used as an impromptu wind barrier in case of emergency.
  3. Flashlight – Your flashlight should preferably contain LED bulbs, which shine brighter than other models and last for a longer period of time. Keep it in your emergency kit!
  4. A First Aid Kit – This is something every driver should have on hand. You never know when you might get hurt during the course of your day, so make sure you have a first aid kit with you at all times. There are so many possible injuries in a trucking environment. To be safe, keep a first aid kit in your truck that contains gauze, bandages, and any other medical supplies you might need to treat minor injuries on the road. It’ll also help if you have a first aid course so you can know how to respond when someone gets hurt on the job.
  5. Roadside flares – Although these are optional, they’re great to have on hand. They clearly mark your truck as a stranded vehicle, and it can prevent you from being overlooked by passing motorists or emergency truck repair in Gainesville, GA, or wherever you are stuck.
  6. Food and water – one of the essential things you should have with you during emergency is food and water. Who would want to be stuck at the middle of the road and starve afterall right? So, it’s best to have some water bottles and food like snacks, with yourself in case of emergency.
  7. Jumper cable and Phone charger – If you’re not familiar with jumper cables, they are essential in emergencies where your truck battery is dead, but you don’t have a spare one to swap out. Instead, just connect the cables to your batteries and attach the other ends to another vehicle’s battery so that it can give you a boost. This is especially useful when there are no available jumpers nearby. Of course, a phone charger is a must too. These are Essential gadgets every truck driver needs.

The last thing you want to be doing in an emergency is scrambling around for supplies. So, make sure you’re prepared with these seven essentials, and your truck will always have what it needs!

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